
The First Senior Class of Engineering Technology of Fuda College started Successfully
2019-10-23 Source:本站  

      Following the opening of the first senior management class of Fuda College in July, on the morning of October 12, the opening ceremony of Fuda College engineering technology senior class was held in the multimedia conference room on the first floor of Fuda office building. The ceremony was presided over by Huang Bin, the vice president of Fuda College.

    Li Fuchao, the honorary Dean of Fuda College, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He hoped that Fuda College could provide resource guarantee for the majority of technical personnel and has rigorous atmosphere, train our own experts, and enhance the core competitiveness of the whole enterprise. At the same time, he hoped that the students would learn actively, realize self-improvement and self-appreciation, and help Fuda to develop steadily and healthily.

    The advanced class of engineering technology adheres to the concept of cultivating the appropriate technical talents needed by the enterprise itself, stimulates the great potential of the backbone force, and realizes the win-win situation between the enterprise and the employees. The trainees were mainly technical and quality backbones of the company. The teaching was started by external experts and professors, internal executives and experts of the enterprise, and cases sharing and discussion of the trainees.

    After the opening ceremony, all the students carried out a two-day innovative thinking training, which laid a good foundation for the smooth sailing of the advanced engineering technology class.

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