
Fuda Party Members Joined the Special Activity of “ Don’t Forget the Original Aspiration, Keep Our Mission Firmly”
2019-11-11 Source:本站  

      In order to further implement the guiding opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on carrying out the second batch of education on the theme of "Don’t forget the original aspiration, keep our mission firmly", guide Party members to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution and Discipline, inherit and carry forward the revolutionary tradition, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, more than 100 Fuda party members went to the "Memorial Hall of the long march of the Red Army to Xiangjiang" to carry out the Red Revolutionary Education Activities.

    The Party members learned the glorious history of Red Army's strategic transformation, bloody battle of Xiangjiang River and desperate guard division by our heroes for the Chinese revolution. All the members deeply felt the hard years of the Red Army's bloody battle of Xiangjiang River and the noble quality of not afraid of blood sacrifice for the victory of the revolution, which further deepened our understanding of the history of the party and the country.

    At the end of the activity, everyone expressed that we should not forget our original intention, keep our mission in mind, combine the theme education with the actual work, give full play to the leading role of demonstration, and put into the actual work with full enthusiasm and dedication to work style, so as to reflect the theme education results with real results and fully promote the high-quality development of the enterprise.


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