
Fuda Group into the Industrial Leading Enterprise Cultivation Bank of the Reservoir Area
2019-10-22 Source:本站  

In October, the Industry and Information Technology of Guangxi issued the Circular of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of the Autonomous Region on Publishing the List of the Second Batch of Enterprises in the Industrial Leading Enterprise Cultivation Bank of Guangxi, and Guilin Fuda Co., Ltd. was on the list.

In order to cultivate leading industrial enterprises and enhance the competitiveness of Guangxi's industries, the Industry and Information Technology Office of Guangxi organizes the recommendation and declaration of leading industrial enterprises in Guangxi into cultivating list.

The declaration of leading enterprises should have the following conditions: large scale of production and operation, good economic benefits, large tax contribution, outstanding leading products, strong driving capacity, strong ability of technology research and development, perfect management mechanism and strong competitiveness in international market. Through Fuda Co., Ltd.’s declaration, recommendation by municipal industry and information department, expert evaluation and selection, solicitation of departmental opinions and online publicity, Fuda Co., Ltd. has successfully entered the list uof leading industrial enterprises in Guangxi. It is believed that through this cultivation, the company's product, technology research and development capabilities, market competitiveness and other aspects of comprehensive strength will rise to a higher level.

版權所有Copyright?2018-2022 Guilin Fuda Co., Ltd.

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