
Bucking the trend, Fuda shares hit a record high
2020-05-26 Source:本站  

Walk into the tall and spacious workshop, machinery roar, production line 24 hours efficient operation, workers wearing hard hats and masks, nervous  but orderly busy......

Since the outbreak of epidemic, Fuda has set up a leading group for epidemic response led by its chairman, detailed arrangements have been made for epidemic prevention and control, and special work plans and measures have been formulated for the resumption of work and production. Fuda has started early, planned early, and made early deployment. Fuda makes careful arrangements for material storage, prevention and control testing, and emergency response for the resumption of work and production, so as to ensure both prevention and control of the epidemic and resumption of work and production

Since its resumption of work and production on February 10, Fuda has actively coordinated the supply of raw materials in strict accordance with the company's epidemic prevention and control work plan and resumption of production measures. By the end of February, the recovery rate of Fuda has reached more than 95%.In March, the company increased sales of competitive products, actively grabbed market share, to ensure full production.In April, the company achieved good development, with its production output increasing by 12% month on month and 31% year on year, achieving a bucking trend and setting a record high for the month.
At present, the company is actively investing in new technological transformation, to complete the production target of half the time and half the task set by the company at the beginning of the year, trying to recover the lost time caused by the epidemic, recover the loss caused by the epidemic, and enable the company to gradually embark on the road of high-quality development.

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