
Zhao Leqin, the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region and Secretary of Guilin Municipal Party Committee, visited Fuda Co., Ltd. to Investigate the
2020-03-16 Source:本站  

      On the morning of March 11, Zhao Le Qin, the leader of Novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention group, the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the autonomous region, the Secretary of Guilin municipal Party committee, went to Guilin   Fuda to investigate the epidemic prevention and control work and resumption of production.  Li Fuchao, the chairman of Fuda; Zhao Hongwei, the general manager; reported to the research team the suitation about epidemic prevention and resumption of work and production. And they went to research the workshop of the Fuda Alfing joint venture company. 

      The chairman Li Fuchao reported a series of measures taken by the company to carry out the Novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention to the Secterary Zhao Leqin. Novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control leading group has been set up since the outbreak of the epidemic. The team is responsible for the work of the epidemic prevention and control organization and fully implements the responsibility for prevention and control. At the same time, the company has also taken measures such as epidemic prevention material allocation, epidemic situation notification, establishment of temperature detection place, implementation of the "one person one file" system, establishment of employee travel records and health files, office and production site disinfection, direct delivery of post catering, shortening working hours, emergency treatment, epidemic prevention knowledge publicity, etc., to ensure the overall health of employees, while steadily recovering the production. According to the general requirements of Guangxi, Guilin and Lingui District, the company formally resumed work on February 10. At present, the production capacity has basically recovered to the level before the outbreak. 


The Secretary Zhao Leqin observed the production situation of Fuda Co., Ltd., and made a detailed understanding of the enterprise's prevention and control measures, difficulties encountered in resumption of production, production capacity plan, etc., and affirmed the positive measures taken by the company in epidemic prevention and control. He stressed that all measures for epidemic prevention and control should be strictly implemented, and isolation and protection work should be done for returned employees. At the same time, he hoped that enterprises would take social responsibility, support poor households in migrant work and agricultural product sales, and help poor households affected by the epidemic to get rid of poverty smoothly.


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