
Peng Dayuan, the Member of the Standing Committee of Guilin Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, Visited Fuda to Inspect the Situation of Epidemic Prevention and Control and the Resumption of
2020-02-24 Source:本站  

On the morning of February 19, Peng Daiyuan, the member of the Standing Committee of Guilin Municipal Committee, the executive deputy mayor and executive deputy commander of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters, led a team to Guilin Fuda Co., Ltd. to inspect and guide the epidemic prevention and control work and the resumption of enterprise’s production. Li Fuchao, the chairman of the board of directors and Zhao Hongwei, the general manager, reported to the inspection team about the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control situation and resumption of production.


Li Fuchao reported to the all the measures taken by the company to prevent  novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the company has attached great importance to the establishment of a leading group for epidemic prevention and control, and organized the elite to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work. The company has taken measures such as epidemic prevention material allocation, epidemic situation notification, mask wearing, body temperature detection, staff swimming record to the office and production site for disinfection, direct delivery of post catering, shortening working time, emergency treatment, etc., to comprehensively guarantee the health of employees. The company also actively coordinated resources of all parties and donated masks, protective glasses, thermometers, protective clothing, negative pressure ambulances and other medical materials to Guilin city and Lingui District.

Zhao Hongwei, the general manager, reported the resumption of Fuda Alfing and passenger car crankshaft automation production line to the inspection team in detail. The company officially resumed production on February 10, and now has recovered more than 95% of its production capacity. While doing well in epidemic prevention and control, the company actively organizes production, overcomes difficulties in raw material procurement, logistics and transportation, and quickly restores production capacity. Peng Daiyuan expressed his thanks to Fuda for the positive donation of medical supplies. Fuda, as an excellent private enterprise in Guilin, took the initiative to shoulder social responsibilities and made positive contributions to Guilin's winning the battle against novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Fuda has taken active measures in the aspect of epidemic prevention and control. Under the condition of ensuring the epidemic prevention and control and the health of employees, Fuda has returned to work quickly. The practice of Fuda is worth popularizing. Guilin municipal government will also actively coordinate and issue more policies to solve practical difficulties of enterprises and ensure stable economic development.

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